Chickamauga Battlefield

July 2008

This Civil War monument park is located just south of Chattanooga, across the state line

in Georgia. I stopped to take a few pictures. Its story is told over a large area and it

is a great stop for the history buff.

 One of many monuments in the park.

 Close up of it.



Jimmy Carter National Historical Park

Located in Plains, Georgia, it's in a restored grade - and high school building.

School Building.

Principal's office restored to late 1930s or early 1940s.

Gallery room displays photos and details of Carter's life and presidency.

Classroom restored to period.

Plains town center.

Billy Carter's gas station.

Looking east from Plains.

Today the Carters live nearby and are busy with a number of humanitarian causes.

The ex-president actively pursues peaceful settlements of conflicts around

the world. Also his charitable groups have eradicated or nearly eradicated certain tropical

diseases in a number of countries. Habitat for Humanity is also his work.


I have heard that the site may be relocated and expanded in the near future.

More photos and info. are on Wikipedia.

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